I know it taken a few clicks to get here and that can be annoying. (I am working on making it better with a search function that should help speed it up). I write recipes that are slightly different than how you may have experienced them. Each recipe will have many variations and options to it
Food is more than the making
Food has brought people, fun, joy and some pain, into my life. From running Delicieux, (my own food experiment), for a year to winning The Taste UK, traveling , connecting, meeting so many amazing foodies who I can now count as friends- radio show, to demo’s, to stages in Michelin restaurants, to cooking in LA river basin and NYC. To continued travel and eating all over the world the food joy never ceases- Home Of Real Food evolves and continues.
Take me to the food
I see food as not a time yet an experience. Food is requirement every day and every time of day, so for me to define when you should eat is absurd. I eat breakfast for supper because I wanted to. I have soup for breakfast or a curry. Food is about what you want to experience in that moment!
In that vain I have stored my recipes (food stories really), into experience by size! Small Plates very European, yet can be consumed at anytime of the day and will take less time to prepare. Think Pinchox, Tapas, Side servings. Also you can up quantities
Big Plates very American Family Style and take longer to prepare the bonus of big plates is they become small plates for leftovers. Sweets are desserts just that when the fancy takes you. Plus have added a stocks, sauces and stuff for everything else
My cooking philosophy (ooo go me!)
I appreciate you checking out the recipes. I have thought this through as how would I like to see the recipes and easy to find, plus making sure you have the equipment which candidly is not a lot. I am a true gadget queen although when I am writing recipes I use wine bottles as rolling pins and give you options.
Some recipes are easier with fancy gadgets. Reality is most are not needed, each to their own. The options are there for you.When it comes to ingredients I have one BIG rule and that is the hero product of your dish needs to be the best quality you can afford .So that’s’ it, all the recipes are made by me and tried and tested, over several years for most and eaten by many!
I welcome, actually love comments and suggestions as I believe that every recipe is a bastardisation of another anyway so no ownership or preciousness required. Please throw yourself in, cooking is a fabulous skill that ANYONE can have, I’m told like singing (which I am terrible at) although I don’t practice it so you never know I could be great at it! Enjoy. Debbie
Eating Out
The joy of eating out. Where, who, what, liked, disliked, good, bad, plus the company eating with makes for a great read and you might want to go. A long time ago hubster and I set up an website called the Food Bastard and did online critiques of restaurants- we got bored quickly as we forgot to take photos and ate the food instead, so this is a more gentile perspective of our global travels and joyful eateries we explore.
“You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook.The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude”
— Julia Childs

Sharing is caring and all that. I have over 600+ cookbooks. Some page turners, some drooltastic never cooked from, some and of course the classics. Each I have read and got something from them even if I didn’t like it- I learned.
The Library is where I have started to document and share all my cookbooks- and each will have a story and recipes to MUST make and the ones that I avoided. Plus I want you to share and tell me yours. I f I don’t have it it will be added to the Library.