Welcome to the Library List


Books bring me deep joy. I have attempted the Kindle/ebook style and return happily to tangible page turning. I have adopted audiobooks as my progression, the amount of walking I do (8-10 miles a day yep!) i listen to a lot of books. A sucker for a sticker (or any stationary in fact_ this bog feels like my own stationary!)- digress- on Audible, 178 books to date- I am up to Master- hell yeah and three stickers to go for a full house= achiever!


How it works its a scroll and see concept for now. I am adding books as we go, and going to work out a better system, works for now. Might categorise, might not, might be organised might not. Like a bit of randomness. Any book not listed -let me know. LOVE a book let me know. If I don’t have it or not read it I will give it a go.

Oh and no affiliates or advertising, influencing or being told to, get no money- not here, this is all me and the links go to amazon- please go to a local bookshop first.

All time favourite book


This book makes me happy. It combines so many things I love, food, story, travel, fun , chuck in a love story and I am a sucker (or my other extreme is a thriller Scarepetta’esque Cornwell gory and death- if you know you know!).

I have re-read this book many times. Most people find it odd my favourite. It brings me smiles.

Food of Love by Anthony Carpella

The one that changed me forever book

Braving the wilderness by Brene Brown

Transformed me. In 2017 I discovered Brene Brown. I had an epiphany to the point I dropped to the knees in sand walking the Can Picafort beach in Mallorca (very dramatic) although actually did happen and cried like I hadn’t for years, if ever. Big bellowing howls. Since then I have got every piece of work, listened to her, watched her, podcast stalked her.. Love everything about her and her research.

My all time go to cookbook.


The hardest of decisions as this is very mood dependent so I have listed two as one is the one I buy for anyone starting out and one is a joy to read, learn, understand and cook from.

Buy as a gift and every cooks shelf should have it is Flavour Thesaurus by Niki Segnit

The cookbook of cookbooks for me is Silver Spoon - this is an Italian tome yet every recipe is is versatile and adaptable to an genre of cooking. it creates food thoughts and ideas

The Library List

So a blended list of books. In my “work day life” I do the social media and one of the monthly updates is a book bingo every month so that seems a good place to start. The context is set around no specific genre, the variety is always my need to keep exploring and reading is my way to do that. This list is currently not curated in any specific way, that is a job for me later.


Range- David Epstein

A superb book about being a generalist, having depth, breadth and ultimately range.

Barnaby Rudge- Charles Dickens

A delightful historical caper into life and wonder. I love falling into a historical english novel. This sates me fully.

Generation M- Shelna Jammohamed

An insightful and (educational for me), look at Muslim Youth generation and how they doing things that impact us all positively.

The Complete Works of Zhangzi- Watson

I love philosophy and where it takes you. This deep and sometimes maddening book gives all you may need.

Boundless- Ben Greenfield

Human bio hacking is a thing. Maximising your health and cognitive power intrigues me and this book shares a lot of scienecy stuff too.


Mythos- Steven Fry.

Oh my another of my literary heroes. I saw him once in a hotel and was frozen in awe on the spot.. This book is an anthology of all greek mythology.. Delightful.

The Edible Atlas- Mina Holland

A food storybook, a travelogue and a joy to melt into. A pick up,, put down book. Lovely and makes you feel warm. Mina writes in a manner of food lover.


Dishoom- Dishoom

This cookbook makes your mouth water and another story cookbook with the recipes shared that are easily translated to plate. Nothing beast going to the restaurants though.

Transcend- Scott Kauffman

Maslows Law has been adopted by many and Kauffman writes about its updated version. Not much updated although an interesting read.


Crave- Ludo Lefevbre

As my mentor on The taste this is a sedate incarnation of Ludo. A great cookbook to read and not always the recipes you will cook.

Kitchen Diaries- Nigel Slater

Anything Nigel in fact (and also anything by Nigella) is a joy to read. The flow of words and language are pure linguistically heaven.



Candidly the reason I bought this originally was the book spine - open and raw. The book itself is a wonder of the stories and recipes from the restaurant and how they made it