Skilling Up
Week 10 ….we move into week 10. It’s an odd feeling as we know we’ve not been here long yet it feels like its been our home forever. Each week has taught us patience, tolerance, laughter, reality and most of humility.
The past two weeks have been mice, neighbours, utility, stripping floors, upholstery, painting and reorganising.
After the four in house floods we now have the plans drawn up for the new bathrooms and they should start November and be done by Christmas - challenging having no shower and am getting adapt at washing my hair in the kitchen sink!
Building Projects
Now this week is focus on getting the sitting room done , website for the house commences ready for the Spring and the rentals being ready (next big jobs)- we have got architects to find and the process starts pretty quickly - the goals is 4 rentals (eventually) - we start with The Loft ( a superb garage conversion), then The Barn super exciting and then The Bothy which is going to be the garden studio converted into a lovely hideaway. and the final big one is The Studio- our big barn. Excitingly we also have two rented out for June next year and we haven’t got them built yet!

This week has seen us add to our skills, from learning upholstery we now add drainage experts to our repertoire- well admittedly Husband not me. I was a very supportive wife, having never been on septic tank before its an education - there are pros to mains sewage, however its never as bad as you think. We ahve all the tools and prteiction and ultimately we have to be self sufficient
Seasons change
One of the joys not anticipated is the preparation for seasonal change from preparing the wood, fires, getting it ordered, organised in the barns and house . Setting the gardens ready and making sure that every aspect of our winter is prepared for from lighting, back ups electrical to water food, access, winter tyres on the cars, it feels like a full time job and when we eventually start in Spring on wilding the gardens we will be again. I have started small with indoor plats and I haven’t killed one yet - miracle. So i am hoping that bodes well for the main gardens. We have a daily ritual of feeding the birds too.
Here’s to moving into week 11 and 12 with the Sitting Room finished and a library. This is just a snippet of whats happening as its a full time day job and then every spare hour is either house perp or doing