No New You required, thank you.

So here it is we move into December , the last month of the year were we will be inundated with time to get ready for New You in the New Year. YAK . I can’t abide the New You sentiment . What the hell is wrong with me as I am? You? Could I lose weight, yes., Could I eat less, yes, Could I blah blah. I exercise everyday, I do life as me.

Please don’t fall into the New Year, New You trap

If you want to change , hell yeah you do you. You do it for you. Not because someone said something shitty or was bloody rude to you. Do it because it feels good for you right now. Do change for you if it just feels right, do change for you if that is what life is throwing at you. Change for you. IF THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT.

Next question is asking what do you want? Really want? This isn’t the commercial materialistic stuff, if you could have anything now worries Why would it be?

So how can you get there?

Plan it think it start it

Small mini steps

Lean in and move forward a tiny amount everyday - compound achievement is highly under rated.

Over and out 7/365


Time for….


Missed it, big fail!