Easter Shian

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Near Miss?

Today’s has been a bonkers day. We launched our new product Dollar Dream Club and I’ve just stopped and realised on day five of 365 challenge I nearly missed the blog posting. So as it’s a nearly missed I thought what else have I nearly missed …..

That moment of stomach gurgling dread and realisation

I’ve got a list of so many near misses my best ever ( is it appropriate to say it was a whatever when it was huge faux pax ?),  was when we had been  travelling for  8 weeks on the roll (also note it starts with a justification!?)  and I was delivering a workshop in Birmingham. This has been planned and scheduled, I was getting a day of rest and recovery in between flights and preparing for said workshop. I was staying in a hotel in Huddersfield, one of my all-time faves - if you’re up that neck of the woods (not an ad just a personal recommend The Manor House).

I was alone as hubster was doing a separate project in London Town, I was luxuriating in a lie in, sipping coffee and ultimately taking life slow and calm. The phone rings - unknown number.

 When the unknown number calls what’s your gut reaction?

I normally ignore and let it go to answer machine, however feeling relaxed I casually answered without any expectation. Holy shit.

It was the Birmingham hotel asking me what time I was arriving as the participants were waiting and wondering what room to go to?  Huddersfield to Birmingham is a fair distance - my stomach lurched, and I casually said ah of course I would be their l, could they arrange coffee and pastries. WTF yep thats what i said- clearly under duress I say casual things!

 The story does go on, however let’s keep it brief- I left fast, drive directly to the hotel IN BIRMINGHAM- in transit I spoke the client - a director and who thought it was funny - didn’t feel that way as was very relaxed about the whole thing - thank goodness.

 I arrived - 2.5 hours late- the candidates gave me some well-deserved serious hard time, made me work very hard.  It was a 2-day workshop, so I had the opportunity to pull it back - slowly.

 This near miss was nearly a complete fail….. yet that’s the point if we mess up, be honest, correct ourselves we can always fix any situation.

 What’s your near miss moment?


Over and out (5/365) persistent and consistent.

Photo credit Anelale Nájera from unsplash.com